Monday, July 21, 2008

6 Survival Tips For College Freshmen

More college freshmen will drop out of college in the first 6 weeks than at any other time this year (over 30% will drop out after the first year). But the 6 tips below have proven to work, according to Dr. R. Gilbert of Montclair State University in New Jersey:

1. Treat your roommates like they’re your best friends...even if they aren’t.

2. Never assume matter what your question. Keep asking until 2 people give you the same exact answer.

3. No matter what your problem...there is an expert on campus to help you. First, check with your Head of Residence. Then, go to the Dean of Students office.

4. Don’t be intimidated. College looks much more difficult than it really is.

5. When you think everyone else is so much smarter than you, remember this quote:

“College is a fountain of knowledge. A few come to drink, a few come to sip, and, unfortunately, the rest come to gargle.”

6. When you feel like dropping out, repeat slowly this question several times:

“Would you like fries with that?”

This last one gets a few laughs, but it’s no joke. Like the condemned man about to be executed, it forces a student to focus on what’s really important.
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