Sunday, April 27, 2008

College-Bound Teens Are Getting The Wrong Signal

The Boston Globe had an article in their recent Sunday edition on the new dorms that are going up at Boston University at the cost of 125 million dollars. Read: Plush, plush, and more plush.

To what end and what's the real cost?

To read what BU officials say, you'd think that their students are coming from overly pampered homes that require a smooth transition to an equally pampered environment. Apparently the function of our elitist schools is to plant early the seeds of narcissism, self-absorption, and entitlement.

What's the $50,000-a-year signal that's being sent to these kids?

Life isn't hard.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've seen the rooms at BU and Northeastern and other colleges in the Boston area and find them unbelievable. I think the "concierge" approach to pleasing incoming college student is geared toward the affluent and new-affluent and does nothing for students who don't fit that category.
How different things were when I entered college but those were the days before mega-campuses that were totally self-contained.

I enjoyed the article.